
Common SMS Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Running a small business can be a difficult process. When running a business like a dispensary, a person will need to find a way to attract new customers. They will also need to figure out how to keep existing customers interested in the products they are selling. While this may sound like a relatively easy process, it is anything but. One of the best ways to engage consumers is by using dispensary SMS messaging on a frequent basis. Read below to find out more about the mistakes to avoid when trying to make SMS messaging successful. Failing to Include a Proper Call to Action When setting up a message to send out to consumers via SMS, a business owner will need to work on editing a few times. Often times, the first draft of a marketing SMS message will have unnecessary information that makes it too long. One of the most important things a business owner will need to include in their SMS messages is a call to action. This part of the message will tell consumers what action the b...